We’re here to . . .
... help them live well with their illness.
We help you to navigate your pet’s condition with thoughtful compassion.
... provide a gentle passage when it’s time.
In-home cat and dog euthanasia that gives well-being and a sense of peace.
... help you honour the love.
Whether its Cremation or Burial, we’ll help you plan for the aftercare that’s best for you.
Peaceful Home Euthanasia for Cats and Dogs
Nature is not always kind when it comes to passing away, but we can make sure it is. We help them to pass "naturally in their sleep", surrounded by their loved ones, in the comfort of home. We can give our beloved companions a beautiful and easy pasing. They provide us with unconditional love and happiness, and as their guardians, providing them with a comortable passing is as important as giving them a comfortable life. Though saying goodbye to a beloved companion can be extremely difficult to endure—it can also be a spiritual coming together. Our in-home service is predicated upon creating a gentle and dignified end-of-life passage for your pet.
Other Services
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Mobile Vet Services
Our approach is all about continuity. At Loyal & Loved, we believe in the importance of having the same vet present throughout your pet’s entire end-of-life journey. We also believe in the importance of accessibility. We're available on evenings and weekends, by phone and by email. Our at-home service is designed to provide you with the highest level of convenience and support. We’re here for you.
Hospice At Home
How do you know when it’s time to let go? Animals don’t process pain in the same way humans do; their survival instincts continue to guide them even as they suffer. By better understanding how an animal might be feeling, you'll be more empowered to make better informed decisions from a place of calm. In the end, your own peace of mind will help shape a more peaceful environment for your beloved companion.
Palliative & End of Life Care
After evaluating your pet’s medical history, home routine, and physical health, along with your own needs, we can create a supportive plan that provides relief to your aging or terminally-ill geriatric pet. As time goes on, we’ll continue to communicate and re-adjust our approach with the goal of making the dying process as graceful as possible.
Cat Care
Cats particularly don't appreciate vet clinics, and here's the catch: veterinary care is often crucial to improving their quality of life. A common scenario people will find themselves in, is having to tablet a cat who refuses to take medication. At Loyal & Loved, we like to think of approaching cat temperaments as an art form, and we love helping others learn how to better nurse their cats without the upset.
Quality of Life Assessment
“How do I know if they’re in pain?” “Should I be doing more?”
When animals enter the twilight of their life, it can be difficult to gauge how severe chronic conditions are. Your pet might be worse than you thought, or exhibit a symptom that’s actually manageable through treatment. During our consultation, we’ll examine your pet, provide you with the tools to better understand what’s going on, and create a road map of what to expect.
Nearly every dog over the age of 10 will experience some degree of joint inflammation and tenderness. If left untreated, arthritis can lead to discomfort that significantly affects your pet's mobility and quality of life. Our 10-step program, which includes natural remedies, tackles arthritis in a truly comprehensive way. We believe that lots of little improvements at every level can yield a big overall change.
Kidney Failure Treatment
Chronic renal failure is a common condition among aging cats. If left untreated, it can lead to a whole host of other health problems; if diagnosed early, your cat can continue living well for quite some time. We find fluid therapy, which can be administered at home, along with a medication regimen to be really helpful with managing symptoms and nausea.
Dementia & Memory Loss
In the same way human memory can deteriorate with age, our pets can also suffer from dementia. Understanding how to monitor their mental landscape, as well as manage their sleep and wake cycles, will be critical in better managing their symptoms. That said, we will also be there to help you recognize signs that indicate progression of disease and when it's time to say goodbye.
Heart Disease
Valve disease (mitral regurgitation) is a common occurence in many older dogs, and is often what leads to heart murmurs. Managing each pup's indivdual condition typically involves a complex consideration of medications that are tweaked to achieve balance and relieve symptoms. With the right care, some dogs can go on to lead normal lives for a while longer.We will also help you understand the progression of the disease so you can better monitor your pet's quality of life.
Cancer Palliation
Though there are many advanced therapies currently available for cancer treatment, sometimes the best approach for quality of life is palliation. For elderly pets, this can mean crafting a care plan that focuses on managing pain and reducing symptoms that stem from the disease. Depending on each animal’s particular needs, a combination of pain control with medications are often employed to ease the affected body systems. One of the most important things we’ll go over is how to interpret your pet's behaviour and how to read symptoms.
Once your pet has transitioned from life to death, we can assist with their aftercare. They will be lovingly wrapped in a soft, golden blanket. Our veterinarian will gently transport them to one of two trusted crematoriums where they will be tracked every step of the way for a gauranteed private cremation. You are, of course, completely welcome to oversee your own home burial, too.
Please Let Us Know The Type of Service You Need by Clicking the Button
“Dr Raf came to my home recently when I needed out of hours care and assistance in helping my 3 yr old girl pass over the rainbow bridge after her battle with lymphoma.
He was calm and compassionate throughout which you need at such a sad time and talked me through everything he was doing to make her passing as peaceful and relaxed as possible.
I was so happy with the service he provided that I have decided to transfer the care of my other dog to him too,
less stressful than waiting in a busy practice waiting room and continuity of care all big pluses!
Highly recommend him, he genuinely cares about his canine patients.”
- Patti (Google 5 Star Review, August 2023)
Personalised Veterinary Care at home
Toward the end of a pet’s natural lifespan, getting them into the clinic can be extra stress on them. Why put a dog with arthritis or a cat with kidney failure through the upset of the car ride and the busy waiting room?
The truth is, this window in your pet’s life is the most important one for veterinary attention. This is the span of time when animals are likely to suffer the most yet also experience greatest benefits from vet treatments and nursing care. Together, we can work to improve your pet’s quality of life, at home where they are most comfortable.
Click here to reach out, and let us know how we can help you today..
You’re In The Best Hands
5 Star Rating on Google

Contact us.
Email: info@loyalandloved.com.au
Phone: 0414222008
4/30 Denison St,
Bondi Junction NSW 2022